









2014年9月30日 星期二

第二章 站姿、握姿與球位置。



作者 王建智












一般而言,標準的球桿長度是七號鐵桿為36.5英吋(女性是36英吋),而以0,5英吋的長度遞增為六、五、四、三的鐵桿,並遞減為八、九、劈桿長度。身高若是介於175 ~162公分的揮桿者皆使用以上標準長度。

球桿頭的躺角有大小不同角度,它決定了握把的高度,也等於決定了你在瞄球期的手高度。身高介於175 ~162公分的揮桿者雖然使用以上標準長度球桿,但其中仍可區分。亦即,在此範圍身高若屬較高者則使用高躺腳球桿,反之者則使用低躺角球桿,而中間者則使用中躺角球桿。當你將桿頭底板平貼地表之後,握把的高度是正確的。如果此握打把高度讓你無法正常前傾,則表示躺角太高。








2014年9月28日 星期日

第一章 擊球350碼的體能分析

作者 王建智 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 高爾夫全揮桿乃由徒步、前傾、旋轉、側彎等的肌群動作所構成,所以必須發展「一般體能」與「特殊體能」。高爾夫的「一般體能」乃指該運動所需的有氧能量系統以及全身最大肌力,而「特殊體能」所指的是揮桿動作直接涉及的「特殊肌肉瞬發力」與「柔軟度」的內容。良好的體能基礎,除了增進動作學習之外也對於運動傷害的預防有最大之助益。整年度的體能訓練過程分為五個月的準備期、一個月的賽前與四個月的比賽期,本章先分析高爾夫的「一般體能」與「特殊體能」有哪些,然後於第二與三章根據此章的分析來進行練習。以下是作者已整理而會陸續上傳網頁的目錄。

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2014年9月22日 星期一

第一章 高爾夫動作與打直球的因果關係Chapter 1. The correlation between motion factors and ball out straightly.


第一章 高爾夫動作與打直球的因果關係

作者 王建智

打直球的因果關係乃是指正確的重心碰撞與動作好壞的關係。如欲獲致正確的重心碰撞,則必須球桿頭在上桿、下桿與送桿期的兩側桿平面一致。要揮出一致的揮桿平面,則揮桿順序與其節奏、身體旋轉時圓心少移、雙手臂形狀皆需正確。以上簡稱三項動作(因)與一致的揮桿平面(果)的因果關係,經由王建智測試報告後出版(半揮桿八周 鐵桿木桿打直球)。

Chapter 1. The correlation between motion factors and ball out straightly.

Written by Tony,J.J.Wang.
The result of a ball out straightly is regarded with the correlation of a better swing motion controlling the gravity point of clubhead to impact a ball center mass. One who want to make a correct impact, he has to swing the clubhead on the right (up swing) and left (down and follow through) same plane. For swing the clubhead on a same plane, the swing sequence and its tempo, the least shift of body rotation center point (RCP) and the correct arm style should be perfect. The above is named as 3 motions (factors) vs. a steady swing plane(result), it has been reported and published from the base of Tony`s lab studies.

(本書已在台灣1500個書局出售Tony`s Chinese version book is sold by 1500 books shops in Taiwan)




I. The result of a ball out straightly (Figure.1).

The point of gravity of clubhead impacts perpendicularly beneath the mass center of a golf ball to launch it out straightly along the target line. If not that but on the sides of ball mass center, the ball would fly out with a hook or slice directions caused by the side impact. Figure 1.The gravity of center point of clubhead impacts on the ball different locations.

(1)何謂揮桿平面? 何謂揮桿路線?


圖示2 (Figure.2)

圖示3 (Figure.3)

圖示4 (Figure.4)







(1)What is the swing plane?  And what is the swing route?

●About the swing plane(Figure.2-4).
The path of the gravity of clubhead on the right upswing and down to the left follow through is named as “a sagittal swing plane”. And once the normal impact occurring, the swing plane of the right and left is the same. There are many world famous of skillful experienced coaches thought the down swing plane should be lower than that of upswing is quite a serious mistake. Tony knows they made from the wrong observing from the wrong camera capturing positive on the swinger`s right side, therefore he invents a world unique of capturing skill for golfers (the article and film will be super linked here soon).  
●About the swing plane(Figure.5-10).
The following figures show out that swinger using iron 5 to swing out a ball straightly under his clubhead on the same plane whenever at up, down and impact to follow through stages, and the plane orientation is one point fifteen clock. At the same time, the other fixed camera on the top which simultaneously with the right sagittal side camera in capturing that shows clubhead shift a wider path at upswing and a smaller one at down swing and above mentioned is called “ horizontal swing route or path”. For the right elbow separates against the body, the path it wider. And on the contrary, it back attaches body forming a smaller path at down swing.




A2:不相同。不相同的原因是球桿長短所致,但動作是相同的。除非! 您還不了解正確動作的內容。

Q4:如果作者認為球飛行尾端必須是直的,那麼尾端小左曲與小右曲的球不好的嗎 ?


Q1:Some of the amateur and professional players swing out ball straightly but those motions looked very strange?  
A1:Shifting clubhead on the lower swing plane section (a small area before and after impact) is the same plane but out of the area to the middle and upper sections is not. Some strange motion those control a correct small section before and after impact can also swing out ball straightly but not steady.

Q2: Are different clubs swing the same corner degree of swing plane? 
A2: They are not. The different swing plane is caused by the different club length but the swing motion is the same.

Q3: Why many famous professional coaches explained in the public films that the down swing plane should lower than that of the upswing? 
A3:Event of those coaches are famous from their used skill of championship but they need to do more study. This very wrong explanation was from their un-proper setting the camera position on swinger`s right side.   

Q4: Accordance with writer`s MSG here that the end ball flight should be straight, so a little hooks or fade ball flight is no good. Isn`t it?
A4: Yes, you must swing out a ball forward to the end straightly. 
Only a ball forward to the end straightly can be calculated by different intensity of side wind. Also, when it land on the ground can be calculated out of its rolling direction and rolling distance affected by the ground conditions. For example, you could have swung the ball into the hole which accordance with the target line to the hole but a side wind blowing the ball to the left 1 yard of hole so as the target line should be considered to set at the right 1 yard of hole. Coupled with the ball landing on the right high slope which affects ball left rolling 1 yard, you have to make a precise target line of 2 yards of hole right. Without this good quality of ball flight, you could not precisely set a hole in one target line. How many bending degree of a side spin ball is unpredictable and not easy be controlled by an elite player, never mentioned about we add the other factors of wind or ground affects.


如果兩側的揮桿平面要一致,則揮桿動作要正確。正確的揮桿動作有三項 : (1)揮桿順序與其節奏要正確,(2)身體旋轉過程必須讓圓心極少移動,(3)雙手臂的正確形狀。然而,好的身體柔軟度比較容易完成以上正確動作內容。

II. What motion factors can control a rebounded ball out straightly?

If the degree of swing plane on swinger`s right and left side are the same, the swing motion must be perfect. The perfect swing motion includes the flowing 3 factors: (1)the swing sequence and its tempo must be correct, (2)the least shifting of the RCP during body rotation and (3) arms style should be correct. Meanwhile, a good body flexibility helps for the above 3 performances



(1)The least shift of the body rotation center point (RCP-Figure.11)

The length of swing radius is from the RCP to the clubhead center mass, therefore the RCP`s move will lead clubhead on a unstable swing plane which result with a rough impact. Writer ( Tony, J. J. Wang. 2002) is leading all golf scientists around the world to declare the first finding of golf swing rotation center point is the inner center point of cervical seven (C7) .  



此3D範例是下桿初期最大重量在左腳時為584.98牛頓,此時球桿頭仍在半空中而右膝已在雙腳中央。東方人的典型身材乃是上身長於下身,所以左腳承受最多重量時(1),右膝剛好過體中(2)而球桿頭尚在半空中(3) ,然後才讓球桿頭下降撞擊球。

(2)The swing sequence and its tempo should be correct (Figure 12).

The vertical max ground reaction force on right foot when at the top swing, and to the left foot at initial down swing, then to impact is called a swing sequence. A swing sequence is the calculation of motion-time sequence so as the tempo be existed. A swing sequence be named “right foot-left foot-impact”by Tony who is leading the world study to report it in the Journal of Sports Science in in Taiwan (2001) .
The sample of this 3D stick figure shows out the max ground reaction force on left foot at initial down swing is 584.98 newton, and at the same time that the clubhead is on the middle height of the body and the right knee is at the central position among the feet. The typical orient stature is upper body longer than lower body so as the motion skill of the max vertical force on left force at down swing ① need to be cooperated with the right knee on the middle of feet ② and then to impact ③.    
If you rotate the upper shoulder and whip arms before you left twist lower legs and left pivot hips during down swing, the wrong sequence will occur as an impact before right knee at the middle of feet (an impact before the max vertical force on left foot) which mostly let the clubhead goes outside of the normal swing plane at down swing. The key of amending the wrong swing sequence is to relax the upper shoulders and arms muscles as you can feel the impact is based on the clubhead weight but not the muscles` strength. Besides, you can try to imagine that the right knee is a clubface to impact ball first (means the right knee goes through the middle position of feet first) and then the real clubhead to flow the impact. You will very hard to know that the senior PGA tour players only using 8% MMT of right shoulder strength at down swing and impact stages, and right wrist muscles is a passive strength when at impact.



圖13 (Figure.13)


(3)The arms style should be correct.

The proper arms style is defined by two key factors in definition;one is the style can control the clubface at a square impact and the other is to help the clubhead on a steady swing plane. Tony, J. J. Wang who sorted the above mentioned as “Tony Wang`s  golf arm style vs. square impact clubface”.
●About the square impact clubface (Figure.13). 
The square impact clubface based on the neutral grip and the clubface should perpendicular on the chest line. See figure 13, the clubface line is 90 degree on the chest line besides the ①, ② and finish stage,  
●About the orientation of clubface vs. left arm style (Figure.14).
A flat left elbow and wrist joints could have chance to set a clubface line with 90 degree on the chest line and also can fix a clubhead on the normal swing plane. See the Figure 14, the left thumb attaches on the right side of the grip (strong grip) is not the flat wrist which lets the clubhead goes up and ahead of the normal swing plane at upswing. At this movement-time, we check the clubface line under the base of our check line can find out that the clubface line is left down on chest line showing the degree is smaller than 90. 

2014年9月18日 星期四

王建智高爾夫科學知識之打直球力學(目錄頁)The Bibliography of Tony`s golf Science Applies to Tips, Motion Factors vs. Ball out Straightly.

作者 王建智
Written by Tony,J.J.Wang.
For finding a good game performance that resulted with some better motion factors, many sports players were tested and calculated by scientific tools. Which like the body gravity at swimming that moves forward along a straight line fast can represent a good score result, therefore what motion factors cause its moving fast was the study purpose. Certainly as you guess, abnormal motion will let it goes out of straight line as its motion- time being prolonged. We feel very depress that there was no golf science report of swing motion vs. ball out straightly until Tony,J.J.Wang who efforts hardly in recent lab study to do the starting of development.
    This article will clear explain the correlation between 3 motion factors and a steady swing plane that results a ball rebounded straightly. The 3 motions are the (1) swing sequence and tempo, (2)the least shift of body rotation center point (RCP) and (3) arms style. These 3 motions were designed as swing gymnastics in chapter 3-4 so as to do swing ball practices in the chapter 5. Readers should do static extension exercise accordance with the content of chapter 6, before and after swing ball. That could increase your body flexibility and avoid of muscles strained.

第一章 高爾夫動作與打直球的因果關係

Chapter 1. The correlation between motion factors and ball out straightly.
The result of a ball out straightly is regarded with the correlation of a better swing motion controlling the gravity of clubhead to impact a ball center mass. One who want to make a correct impact, he has to swing the clubhead on the right (up swing) and left (down and follow through) are the same plane. For swing the clubhead on a same plane, the swing sequence and its tempo, the least shift of body rotation center point (RCP) and the correct arm style could be performed. The above is named as 3 motions (factors) vs. a steady swing plane(result), it has been reported and published from the base of Tony`s lab studies. The following articles in the list will be uploaded later.

第二章 站姿、握姿與球位置。


Chapter 2.  Stance, grip and impact ball settings.

A perfect stance at the aim stage is to control one`s body weight on the middle and ahead of feet portion, and at the same time, to achieve the correct height of one`s body rotation center point. The style of a neutral grip is principled from the club design but it still not being explained clearly of what is a neutral grip under the tremendous of skill experience teaching market, therefore the principle will be cleared in this chapter. Besides, one`s stance links with the grip motion should not only fit the correct height of rotation center point but also the sole (toe and heel) of club head bottom should be flatly on the ground unless that his club lie degree is not fits his tall. Finally, the way of finding different ball setting positions through different clubs during aim stage is also noted. Following articles in the list will be uploaded soon. 

Section 1. Practicing a perfect stance and grip motion.
I. How to make a perfect stance.
II.How to do a neutral grip
III.How to link the stance and grip motions.
Section 2. Different clubs and its belonging impact ball location between feet.
一、  桿頭躺角與偏角。
I. Club head lie, hook corner and off set degree.
二、  正確球位置的找尋。
II. Check out the correct impact ball position.

第三章  身體旋轉與揮桿順序之體操練習


Chapter 3. The gymnastics of a steady rotation and rotation sequence

Jiann-Jyh Wang (Tony,J.J.Wang) & Tzyy-Yuang Shiang, etc., (2002) found that the swing sequence is the max body weight on right foot, to the left and impact. Which indicates the stander swing sequence can increase the impact speed and the key point droning down swing to perform the max body weight on left foot before impact is the right knee passes over the middle between feet before impact. The elite oriental LPGA players are shown the motion under the capturing video (250-300 per/sec). And those are not a common use video (30 per/sec) can see. On the contrary, the longer leg western players` body gravity is high so as this style of starting lower motion could not do perfectly at early down swing for avoiding the un-stable rotation of upper body. I suggest that players can block the left chin during down swing as the rotation center to be stabled; this is no difference of any tall or short body players. Following articles in the list will be uploaded soon. 

第一節、   半揮桿的用義
Section 1.  Why we starting practice from a half swing.
一、說明。I. Introduction
二、半揮桿示範。II. The sample of half-swing
第二節、   身體右旋體操
Section 2.  The swing gymnastic of right rotation
I. Knowing the swing rotation center point (RCP).
II. The swing gymnastics for your body on right rotation.
III.The swing gymnastics lets body weight on inner side of right foot.
IV.The swing gymnastics makes your RCP steady.
V. The swing gymnastics to attach head on wall for RCP in steady.
VI. The swing gymnastics of hip on right rotation for RCP in steady.
Section 3.  The swing gymnastics of Left rotation and swing sequence.
I. The swing gymnastics of your body on left rotation.
II. Knowing the swing sequence.
III. The swing gymnastics of swing sequence.
Section 4. How to experience a relax upper body at swing.
I. The knowing from the science of golf.
II. Gravitational acceleration of arm weight without arm muscle force.
III.The constant speed of club head during swing.

第四章  手臂定型體操與全揮桿四分段記憶


Chapter 4.  The swing gymnastics of arm style and 4 parts of                         swing motions.

Content of this chapter indicates how a better arm style be fixed through the arm style gymnastics, and at meantime, be explained how this arm style controls a steady swing plane and a square impact club face on the ball. After you familiar with the arm style gymnastics, you can link the former all gymnastics (swing sequence, tempo and RCP steady) by the gymnastic of 4 parts of full swing motion (not include finish stage) which your muscles-neuron of a perfect full swing being memorized. Simply saying, the gymnastic of 4 parts of full swing motion is the linking of all separated gymnastics. Later in the chapter 5, the “4 parts” be sorted as the “2 parts”( which is swing sequence and the tempo) to practice a swing with ball. 

第一節  雙臂動作的定型練習
Section 1. Arms motion be fixed by gymnastics.
I. The gymnastic of left elbow extension.
II. The gymnastic of left wrist joint with single chain forming 2 pendulums.
III.The gymnastic of right elbow and wrist joints in 3 pendulums.
IV.The gymnastic of two arms.
V. The gymnastic of linking arm style and right rotation for up-swing.
VI.The gymnastic of linking arm style and left rotation for down-swing.
第二節 王氏方正打擊面之定義
Section 2. Definition of Tony Wang`s square impact clubface.
I. Define the square impact clubface.
II. The standard motion showing the square impact clubface.
第三節 體操總連結(四分段)練習
Section 3. Linking all separate gymnastics in 4 parts swing practice.
I. The swing gymnastic of 4 parts swing.
II.Some notes for the chapter 5.

第五章  半揮桿擊球練習


Chapter 5.  The practice of golf half swing

The major topic of this chapter is to swing with ball under the practices of swing sequence and its` tempo. During the above practice, we add in former mentioned swing gymnastics (Chapter 3-4) as can refine the half swing motion( or namely 4/5 swing portion without finish stage) which can both swing the ball out straightly whenever using different iron to wood driver clubs. Above all, you must practice swing gymnastics (chapter 3-4) and static extension exercises (chapter 6) well so as to go in this chapter`s tips.

Section 1. Using short irons to practice swing sequence and its` tempo under half swing.
I. The same speed of clubhead in pendulum.
II. To relax arm muscles during pendulum.
III.TickTick-bump (with tempo to impact ball).
IV. Bend wrist & push out against hip→weight on left foot & impact ball.
V. Raise right hip( weight on inner right foot) Weight on left before impact.
Section 2. Middle length irons be dragged down.
I. Drag down the club.
II. Impact ball by the clubhead mass but not the muscle force.
III.The practice of swing route.
IV.Block the left chin during down swing.
V. Lightly block the left elbow during down swing.
VI. Square Clubface at impact.
Sec 3. Swing the hybrid to impact ball precisely and strongly under half swing.
I. Gazing at ball and meditating the RCP during swing and impact.
II.Closing eyes and meditating the RCP during swing and impact.
III.Starting the leg and hip muscles strength.
Section 4. The inspection of shifting wood driver head on swing plane.
I. The inspection of it during up swing.
II. The inspection of it during down swing.

第六章 高爾夫伸展體操


Chapter 6. The golf static extension exercise for warm up and increasing flexibility.

The normal warm up exercise includes 5-10 light jogging and static extension exercise. The base of a static extension activity is some allocated postures which you hold its` utmost joints in open range without move through 15-30 seconds. This can extend the relative motion-joint muscle that help for the joint rotation range be increased. Simply saying, there are two purposes of it. One is to avoid of muscle strained and the other is to increase the joints range for a better swing motion. 
Owing to the tremendous of golf warm up exercises in TV, magazine or Youtube were experienced instructions by coaches without normal physiology base. Therefore, the content of section one in this chapter explains the relative golf sports medicine reports and to be leaded into the section 2 for golfers` realistic static extension exercise.

第一節  高爾夫伸展體操的醫學說明
Section 1. Golfers` static extension said by sport medicine reports.
第二節  一般球友的伸展練習
Section 2. Golfers` static extension practice.